Dielle BIO 8770 Series

The low migration and extremely low odour series
for food packaging from sustainable raw materials

Sustainability is a nowadays target for all industrial productions. In particular inks and varnishes market has always been considered high pollution and high risk based market because of the use of mineral oil and not renewable raw materials.

Our inks have been developed starting from vegetable based oils and they are more than 75% made from renewable substances in order to reach the target of sustainability of our productions. No mineral oils are used and no food used oils are formulated in our inks.

Consumer’s care and safety are one of our first target and for this reason food should not be contaminated by any external substance.
Within this frame we keep in mind that all the components of our inks must not migrate inside food-packaging. Our ink series Dielle BIO 8770 has all law requirements to be used in printing for non-food contact surface.

As partner of important printing producer for food packaging, we produced a mineral oil free series based on natural renewable raw materials, completely dedicated to print on food packaging support.